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DroneBlocks and Tello Drones 1.25 hours

In this series, you will learn to fly your Tello Drone using Droneblocks. Block coding is the perfect way to get excited about coding. Watching your code literally fly by in front of you is a wonderful experience. 

Chapter 1 : Droneblocks Installation Guide

Welcome to the first video in this series. In this video we are going to learn how to install Droneblocks on our various devices.


Chapter 2 : Getting Started with Tello Drone

As mentioned earlier, our Tello’s do not have GPS so when we say “20 cm” it’s kind of a guess. Let’s get our bearings before we start creating our first programs.


Chapter 3 : Beginners Coding

In this video we cover basic programming in Droneblocks. We will get our Tello drone to fly back and forth, as well as fly in a couple shapes.


Chapter 4 : Interaction and Motion

In this video we cover the programming concepts of loops and variables in Droneblocks. We will get our Tello drone to fly in a shape with a slightly smarter bit of code than in our last video


Chapter 5 : Designing for Machine Learning

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1hr. 35min.

Jordan Reynolds


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